Invisible Wall - Munich, Germany 2015

“Stories are where memories go when they're forgotten” (Moffat, 2016) as cited in Doctor Who.
History transforms, mutating into fiction through generational separation. Familiar ways and traits remain, values are adopted and retained, and objects are stowed, preserved and reinvented. Association brings with it some reassurance. The vehicles of association transport that which is our own personal history.

Our brains have the facility, a biological mechanism, to suppress unwanted memories. Memories recorded may come to the fore through association or intervention; sometimes memories are invented, misinterpreted from the visual or spoken record of stories, and not drawn from fact at all. 
How do we identify those elements which formed our building blocks? Teetering on the catharsis, we explore words and forms which resonate; exploring the private, the forgotten, the suppressed and the ignored, taking comfort in that which brings memory through nostalgia.
Moffat, S. (2015). Doctor Who: Hell Bent. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 10.1.15].
  • The Collection

  • Captured moment - brooch

  • On offer - brooch

  • Identity - brooch

  • Undervalued - brooch

  • Temptation - brooch